

We believe that in modern days, leveraging on technology is crucial to operate a diverse management firm.

This is why, we have streamlined several processes and adapted them into the new landscape.

    • Tenants have not only the option, but incentives to pay and submit requests through our online portal.
    • Our App tracks Maintenance Staff GPS Coordinates and activity after they clock in to maximize control and compliance.
    • Investors access our Investor Portal and see the performance of the properties in which they invested and other metrics.

Several other systems and protocols allow us to manage a sizable amount of assets, with detailed control but a minimalist administrative overhead.

Iberic Malls
<scholars's Edge>


We are proud to say that we implement innovations that are unparalleled in the industry. 

Machine Learning, Regression Studies, Dynamic Optimization, and other statistical models are used to predict, analyze and expand.

Machine Learning

We introduced neural networks and mathematical optimization to test our pricing theory and its determinants.

regression Studies

We developed Multiple Linear and Non Linear regression models to dramatically reduce the days on market and lease of empty spaces.

Algorithmic Lead Generation

After months of research and trials, our team came up with a novel implementation of a breadth first search algorithm, leveraging with the API of Google Places, to get Leads with null marketing overhead at warp speed.