

We own, operate, and develop thriving shopping centers from expanding trade areas in Florida’s largest markets.

Iberic Malls invests thematically in high-yield assets, focusing where we see outsized growth potential driven by local economic and demographic trends.

We seek to generate attractive returns in any environment, and to make a positive impact on the communities in which we participate.


When selecting a property to lease, you’re choosing more than just a building — you’re beginning a years-long relationship with the owner of your company’s new home.

Iberic Malls has the experience and the track record necessary to help you take your company to the next level with impeccably-maintained properties,

Property Management

We offer a full range of property management services tailored to you as an investor and work to ensure that you have the highest return on your investment.


Our Landlord Representation Services team will position your property in a way that attracts and secures the right tenants for you.

We have an in-house developed algorithm that leverages on machine learning and big data to reach a large mass of Tenants.

Acquisitions & Due Diligence

Provide in-depth advice on the current and predicted state of the market, through the implementation of multiple linear regression studies and other advanced statistical analysis models.


Most Recent


Our state wide properties are community gathering places. They bring merchants, shoppers and residents together to shop, dine and play.  Iconic, irreplaceable centers in great locations.

Why Florida?

From its cultural diversity, business friendly environment, housing affordability and land availability, we believe Florida is the archetypal growth hub posed to persist in its unprecedented development becoming one of the world’s largest economies in the next thirty years.