Hiawassee Plaza

Spanning over 5.48 Acres, Hiawassee Plaza is located at the intersection of W. Colonial Drive and Hiawassee Road. With an above average parking ratio of 3.79 a vast array of uses are present at this property fueling the diverse Tenant mix.

This Wellcare anchored regional center has a large traffic count of 59,190 which provides for a large customer base for newly incorporated businesses.


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Centrally located within easy access of Main Roads and National Retailers

About the area

Located in one of the fastest growing cities in the whole country, Hiawassee Plaza provides and unmatchable business development ecosystem. Combining a great tenant mix, dense walking traffic and beautiful landscaping, it provides a boost to your project. 

Surround yourself with the biggest national retailers, including Metro PCS, Shell, Taco Bell, Well Care and a supersized Home Depot on the other side of the street.

  •  Dense retail corridor populated with National Brands
  • Strong traffic counts of 62,325 vehicles per day
  • Ample Parking

Start Your Journey of Expansion and open a store here!

lawn care, lawn maintenance, lawn services

Maintenance Ethos

We exhaustively landscape, clean and maintain the property to ensure that your clients walk into a property that is beautiful and well maintained.
We do not outsource any of our maintenance needs and have our own daily crew to ensure that the property is up to our demanding standards.

Direct Contact

We have direct contact with Tenants, not only each of them having a direct agent assigned to handle their requests over the lifetime of their lease, but also performing daily visits to guarantee that everything is working smoothly .

Online Portal

We make our Tenants life easier. Our online portal allows online payment, balance breakdown, lease related documents and request submission features.

Property Overview & Main Tenants

Property overview

Main Tenants



We take pride in seeing our Tenants thrive and expand their business.

Well Care

Well Care is a publicly traded S&P 500 company which offers a range of managed care health plans for families, children, and the aged, blind and disabled, as well as prescription drug plans.
Wellcare was occupying a single space and since they have trusted us with their expansion adding 3,906 sf to their initial square footage.

Hiawassee Plaza in Images

Spaces for lease

We have some beautiful available spaces ready for occupancy.

if you want to open a store.
we will help.

If you are looking to expand or move your already existing business, or even start your first venture, we are here for you.

Reach out to us and we will make sure we exhaust alternatives to make your dream a reality!

We welcome Tenant Representation Professionals!

We know that the job that your client has entrusted you is precious. 

This is why we want to make sure that they recommend you in the future and you come back to us when a new Leasing opportunity comes up.   We are honored to be repeatedly considered by some of the best Tenant representation firms in the industry and we believe it is a result of our transparency, great commissions and the ability to think out of the box in order to get deals executed. 

Find Hiawassee Plaza